Παρασκευή 13 Ιουνίου 2008

Δύσκολα χρόνια

" Hard Times" του Oscar Gustave Rejlander
Δεν ξέρω αν εσείς ακούσατε κάτι, εγώ όμως ή ζω σε άλλο κόσμο ή λες οι ειδήσεις να μην μας τα λένε όλα; Γιατί το έμαθα από το BBC.
Αχ, το κράτος είναι καλό!
Ένα κείμενο:
"In the hardest working part of Coketown ; in the innermost fortifications of that ugly citadel, where Nature was as strongly bricked out as killing airs and gases were hricked in ; at the heart of the labyrinth of narrow courts upon courts, and close streets upon streets, which had come into existence piecemeal, every piece in a violent hurry for some one man's purpose, and the whole an unnatural family, shouldering, and trampling, and pressing one another to death ; in the last close nook of this great exhausted receiver, where the chimneys, for want of air to make a draught, were built in an immense variety of stunted and crooked shapes, as though every house put out a sign of the kind of people who might be expected to be born in it ; among the multitude of Coketown, generically called " the Hands" — a race who would have -found more favor with some people, if Providence had seen fit to make them only hands, or, like the lower creatures of the sea-shore, only hands and stomachs — lived a certain Stephen Blackpool, forty years of age. " (Charles Dickens "Hard Times"-1854)

2 σχόλια:

greekgaylolita είπε...

Ε, που να προλαβουν να τα πουν και ολα τα χρυσα μου..

(κατεβηκατε τελικα?)

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Ούτε κι εγώ άκουσα κάτι...
Πραγματικά, άλλος κόσμος ρε γμτ!...

Φόρεσα καλοκαιρινό ονοματάκι, μην μπερδευτείς, η Theorema είμαι.