Δεν ξέρω αν εσείς ακούσατε κάτι, εγώ όμως ή ζω σε άλλο κόσμο ή λες οι ειδήσεις να μην μας τα λένε όλα; Γιατί το έμαθα από το BBC.
Αχ, το κράτος είναι καλό!
Ένα κείμενο:
"In the hardest working part of Coketown ; in the innermost fortifications of that ugly citadel, where Nature was as strongly bricked out as killing airs and gases were hricked in ; at the heart of the labyrinth of narrow courts upon courts, and close streets upon streets, which had come into existence piecemeal, every piece in a violent hurry for some one man's purpose, and the whole an unnatural family, shouldering, and trampling, and pressing one another to death ; in the last close nook of this great exhausted receiver, where the chimneys, for want of air to make a draught, were built in an immense variety of stunted and crooked shapes, as though every house put out a sign of the kind of people who might be expected to be born in it ; among the multitude of Coketown, generically called " the Hands" — a race who would have -found more favor with some people, if Providence had seen fit to make them only hands, or, like the lower creatures of the sea-shore, only hands and stomachs — lived a certain Stephen Blackpool, forty years of age. " (Charles Dickens "Hard Times"-1854)
2 σχόλια:
Ε, που να προλαβουν να τα πουν και ολα τα χρυσα μου..
(κατεβηκατε τελικα?)
Ούτε κι εγώ άκουσα κάτι...
Πραγματικά, άλλος κόσμος ρε γμτ!...
Φόρεσα καλοκαιρινό ονοματάκι, μην μπερδευτείς, η Theorema είμαι.
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